Teak from Burma
Teak from Burma (Myanmar)
Teak has long been acknowledged for its excellent wood properties, making it one of the most sought-after multi-purpose timbers in the world. These properties, particularly for heartwood, include strength with lightness; durability; dimensional stability (due to a very low coefficient of expansion and contraction); non-corroding properties; ease of working and seasoning; termite, fungus, chemical, water and weather resistance and attractiveness. The versatility of teak makes it suitability for a broad array of end-uses that are well documented - the best quality being used for high value furniture and boat decking and the smaller sizes used as a cheaper, utility timber. Specifically, where there is high humidity teak is ideal because it does not warp, twist or expand and its natural oils and resins (technoquinines) repel water and reduce insect or fungal attack. The dominant uses are in the furniture, doors and windows sectors.
It is only in Myanmar that native forests are commercially managed for production of teak wood. Myanmar is the only country with a sizeable export industry based upon native teak.
Myanmar banned the export teak logs in 2014, however "Burmese teak" in sawn form continues to be the dominant supplier and sets international standards for quality.
We currently only have a small supply of this "Burmese teak" in a few designs, these are legacy products as our main focus has moved to supplying FSC certified plantation teak.